Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Curriculum Review for 2013-2014 School Year

We have reached the point in the school year where it is time to begin evaluating the materials we used and deciding if we want to use the next level in the fall. This is always a fun time of the year because I love shopping. I'm not buying things yet but I am making my list (and checking it twice!).

Our choice in Singapore math was a good one and we will continue to use it. It is getting harder for Babalu but we are working through 3A/3B slowly. Rookie is flying through his books but first grade math is pretty easy compared to third. I've been grateful for that.

Our experience with the biology book from Pandia Press has been fairly positive and the kids have enjoyed it. It is nice having the info given to us, then a worksheet and then an activity. I also appreciate that we don't have to do science every day so it gives us flexibility.

Our Language Arts and reading have been acceptable but not great and we will not continue with Sonlight or the Evan Moor daily workbooks. I have tried to like Sonlight's programs but I just can't. I'm not sure why. But I do love many of the books they suggest so I am using their lists as a starting point for read alouds and the boy's reading lists.

Our history using pandia press and our geography using various things has not been as successful and I had hoped. But these are hard subjects to get my boys interested in and I'm hoping that with more activities next year will be better. They are learning the basics and at their ages this is all I ask of them this year.

There is an end in sight

We are finally nearing the end of the school year. Rookie will finish two more books this week and both he and Babalu are set to finish their math books before the end of the year (there was some question with Babalu but he has been working hard and getting things done). Our science is also finished but we we may begin our summer science this week or next week. History and geography have pretty much finished and over all were still not terribly successful subjects. Each year we homeschool it gets better. Maybe next year it will finally work out to the point I call is successful. My rough planning of next year has many fun activities planned and several fun field trips planned. My boys learn history and geography best through activities.

In terms of planning this year has been a learning experience. I've determined that shopping trips must happen either in the evenings or on weekends (Unless Big Daddy is off work and can take care of the school  work while I'm gone). All planning must happen over the summer and I must keep very detailed records of scheduling. If I don't I will forget things. I also must use the library more, especially for fun reading.

Scouts is also basically finished until the new school year. We still have our ceremony to give the boy's their badges but all den meetings are over so whatever the boys haven't finished is on them. I will be planning our wolf year from start to finish over the summer and presenting our plans to the parents at the first or second den meeting so they know exactly what we are doing and when. Leading the Tigers was mostly a fun experience and I'm looking forward to Big Daddy and I leading the Wolfs next year.