Monday, May 27, 2013


I love holidays. Not only do we get a day off of school but also my Honey has a day off of work.

On the subject of summer holidays I have a few thoughts-
Last summer I had planned to do school through the summer, aside from the weeks Babalu and Rookie spent at zoo camp and at their Nonni's house. I wasn't thrilled with the thought of all that knowledge I just spend 9 months helping them learn would stagnate in their little minds. It didn't work out that way and we ended up with most of July off. Contrary to my belief they did both remember the things they had learned and the world didn't end (pretty much how in I envision all things ending!). In retrospect it was better that way and this summer we will take the whole month of July off on purpose. I always hated the summer break when I was a kid because there was nothing to do at home (I lived in the boondocks). Babalu and Rookie love vacations, though. They are able to ride their bikes and play in the backyard (usually jedi games) when ever they want and we take day trips or go to parks. Their lives are far more exciting than mine was at their ages.

The boy's Nonni is a school teacher and we also take holidays when she does. Her school district has a wonderful week off in February called "ski week". Her school is near a ski resort so this gives the students (and faculty!) a change to do snow sports during the week. We take this day off and generally the big boys spend most, of not all, of it with Nonni. 

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