Friday, December 20, 2013

Homeschool Resolutions 2014

I decided to make a list of homeschool resolutions for 2014, print them out and keep them somewhere that I will see easily to remind me to keep them. Here they are-

1. Have more fun! Life isn't just for school and school doesn't have to be boring.

2. Keep to our schedule. Don't skip subjects and try and make them up later, those days are not fun. Read out loud every day.

3. Spend more time on art and music. Clarinet lessons twice a week and 15 minutes of practice each day for Babalu. Practice singing for 10 or 15 minutes a couple days a week. Paint more, color the driveway in a beautiful spring mural.

4. Find a way to make history exciting. Study more war leaders and battles. Get together with friends to reenact famous events.

5. Take a day once a month (preferably the last day, right before grocery shopping) and make it a "life skills day". Use the day to clean the house and make the kids help. These skills are just as important as what they learn in school. Take the afternoon and bake with them. Let them do all the measuring.

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