Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Until recently the Boy Scouts of America has been pretty anti-gay (they still don't allow gay adult leaders but at least they are allowing gay scouts. Not perfect but hopefully soon they will include everyone). As someone with a gay best friend that bothered me and I've been pretty vocal about that, probably to the point of looking like an ass. But as a Mom to 3 strapping young men I now see the value that organizations like the scouts have. They help young men build skills and character and connections. They will make friends and go on adventures.

So with that spirit in mind I signed my 2 older boys up. Babalu is now a Bear Cub Scout and Rookie is a little Tiger Cub Scout. Big Daddy and I will be sharing the responsibility of being the Den Leader for Rookie's Tiger Den and I'm looking forward to playing with all the little boys and helping them earn their Bobcat badge and Tiger badge. Babalu is pouring over his handbook and picking out the things he wants to do. They are boy super excited.

As for the anti-gay nature of BSA I will say this- our pack meets at a school so I am hoping that it never comes up. Also my boys are very offended by the thought that gay people don't have equal rights in our country so if anyone says anything they won't be swayed to think anything different.

1 comment:


    I can't tell you how proud I am of you for teaching the Biggies that discrimination and bigotry are bad things! Not just because they have gay relatives and their parents have gay friends, but simply because intolerance is never acceptable! And the Boys should be offended that anyone doesn't have the same rights as everyone else--that's not how our country is supposed to work!
