Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly Highlight {Week 3}

I should have posted this yesterday but I was busy. It happens :) Here are last week's highlights.

 Babalu talking to the zoo educator at the Stingray Bay. She said he actually gave her new bits of info. And she taught us that some sharks lay eggs like chickens do so in that boat are shark eggs that people can look at and hold. Unfortunately she had no idea who the eggs would taste scrambled :(

Rookie lost his first tooth! This is awesome since the adult tooth was half in behind it. He loves his shark tooth.

 Charlemagne has joined the Blue Man Group

We finally began our Magic School Bus Human Body kit. We made a stethoscope that actually worked. I could even hear poor Rookie's murmur.

Big Daddy trying to convince Snuggle Puppy to come into the pool. Not our pool, it was a function for work and was horrible for a few hours but then I started to talking to one of the other wives. Turns out her 4th grade son is as obsessed with the Titanic/Robert Ballard/Underwater Archaeology as my boys. We will be seeing them again for sure! In the end Snuggle Puppy didn't end up in the pool.

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